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Python if elif else Statement

Python support if elif else statements to test additional conditions apart from the initial test expression the if elif else construct works in the same way as a usual if else statement if elif else construct is also known as nested if construct

Syntex of python if elif else statement


    statement 1
    statement 2

elif condition:

    statement 1
    statement 2
     elif condition:

    statement 1
    statement 2


    statement 1
    statement 2

The block of statement ( after : colon ) is executed if condition is TRUE else statement will be executed

Note: "in elif statement else part is not conpulsory"

Q.) program to test whether a number entered by the user is negative positive or equals to zero.
n=int(input("Enter first Number"))
if (n==0):
    print("number is equal to zero")
    print("number is positive")
    print("the number is negative")
enter a number:0

number is equal to zero