C Interview
MS Word
Basics C-Questions
addition of two numbers in C ?
multiplication of two numbers in C ?
print area in C ?
Alphabet to ASCII value in C ?
Conditional Programs
print greater no.in C ?
even or odd number in C ?
leap year or not in C ?
check vowel or not in C ?
check positive or negative in C ?
for-loop Programs
print 1 to n ?
sum of 1 to n ?
Only even no 1 to n ?
sum of even no 1 to n ?
table of any number ?
Switch case
WAP a to print day of the week.
WAP to check vowel or consonant using switch case
check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case
While Loop in C
WAP to print ODD
numbers 1 to N
using while loop
Fibonacci Series
Print Even Number
Do-While Loop
Find the average
of first N
natural number
calculating the
table of 10
Find second largest
element in array
Find the sum
of all element
of an array.
Find reverse
of an array.
find out the
average of 4
integers an array.
Sort the Elements in
ascending order.
less than given
key element
using array.
delete an element
in an array.
find maximum and
minimum between
two numbers
using functions.
find diameter
circumference and
area using function.
Sum of two no.
using functions
Average of
two numbers
using functions
Lower case letter to Upper case letter using function
Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
Find the square of any number using function.
Find the sum of specified series using function.
Perfect numbers in a given range using function.
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C Programming Questions
addition of two numbers in C ?
multiplication of two numbers in C ?
print area in C ?
Alphabet to ASCII value in C ?
print greater no.in C ?
even or odd number in C ?
leap year or not in C ?
check vowel or not in C ?
check positive or negative in C ?
print 1 to n ?
sum of 1 to n ?
Only even no 1 to n ?
sum of even no 1 to n ?
table of any number ?