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HTML Entities

What is html entities ?

HTML Entities are used to display reserved characters and special characters on a webpage. Html can not show all characters. Some characters are reserved by html.

HTML Entities List

HTML Entities

Symbol Description Entity Name Entity Number
$ Dollar Sign $ $
& Ampersand Sign & &
< Less Then &lt; &#60;
> Greater Then &gt; &#62;
Dollar Sign &dollar; &#36;
$ Euro &euro; &#128;
ellipsis &hellip; &#133;
Dagger &dagger; &##134;
ˆ Circumflex &circ; &#136;
Per mile &permil; &#137;
Š grapheme, s with caron &scaron; &#138;
Dash &dash; &#151;
˜ Tild &tilde; &#152;
Trade Mark &trade; &##153;