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(SLAs) Service Level Agreements

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is an agreements between the service provider or client that clearly define the level of services that user expects from the vendor.

Service Level Agreements is such as document assist un managing client expectations.An SLA also details the course of action when requirements are not met, such as additional support or pricing discounts. SLAs are typically agreed upon between a client and a service provider, although business units within the same company can also make SLAs with each other.

what should be included in every service level agreement.

  • Agreement overview.
  • Which speed od services was delivery.
  • A plan if goals aren’t reached
  • Description of the reporting procedure.
  • Conditions of cancellation
  • Service performance metrics
  • Penalties that will be applied in case of agreement violations.like: Financial Penalty , Service Credit etc.
  • An SLA usually has a defined duration of time that is clearly provided in the document.

Type of Service level Agreement (SLAs)

  1. Customer-Based SLA
  2. Service-Based SLA
  3. Multi-Level SLA:(which has further three types)
    • Corporate Level
    • Customer Level
    • Service Level
  4. 1. Customer-Based SLA : This SLAs was used for individual user. it is a one agreement document which write all the type of relevant services that a client was needed. in this agreement also mention the quality of services an what type of service need. for example : Telephonic organisations include voice, message, and data services in a single contact.

    2. Service-Based SLA :In a Service-Based agreement, one similar type of service for all its customers as the service is limited to the unchanging standard. It is simple for vendors.Example: In the IT sector, using service level SLA means that the same service is provided to all the end-users signing Service-Based SLA.

    3. Multi-Level SLA :This type of agreement is customised according to the need of the customer or company. It allows the user to create an arrangement that contains many conditions under the same deal.

    a. Corporate level:This SLA does not require frequent updates since its issues are typically unchanging. It includes a comprehensive discussion of all the relevant aspects of the agreement, and is applicable to all customers in the end-user organization.All services and their interrelationships with subordinate services are used when defining the multi-level service level agreement structure.

    b. Customer level: This contract discusses all service issues that are associated with a specific group of customer.it doses not take into consideration the type of user services.

    c. Service level:Covers SLM issues for a particular service relevant for a particular customer group.