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How to create a Envelopes or Labels in Ms Word step by step?


Some option of a Create group :-


This option is used to create a envelopes of a letter.

  1. Go to Mailing tab
  2. Click on envelopes option.
  3. steps-shineskill

  4. And write a delivery address .
  5. And also write a return address .
  6. Click on "preview" option.
  7. steps-shineskill

  8. Click on "envelopes size" option.
  9. Choose your envelopes size.
  10. Click on "Ok" button.
  11. steps-shineskill

  12. Then click on "Add to document" option.

  13. steps-shineskill

How to Remove header on our Page ?

  1. Go to insert Tab.
  2. Click on header option.
  3. Then click on "Remove Header".
  4. steps-shineskill


This option is used to print the lable on page.